
Seth went on TV to talk about the Green New Deal, saying: “We've got to restore America's moral leadership and economic leadership on the issue of climate—but the Green New Deal should not cost anything. It should be used to grow our economy and create new jobs.”

On Wednesday, Seth joined millions of Americans in tuning into the Mueller hearings. Seth doubled down on what he’s been calling on for over a year: impeachment. It’s time for Congress to do their moral and constitutional duty and begin impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump.

On Thursday, Seth went viral for his response to the GOP trying to insult his patriotism by mailing him an American flag with a copy of the flag code. The stunt didn’t work out so well for them.

To wrap up the week, Seth spoke with The Common Good yesterday to describe his vision for a new generation of leadership in America.

With our end-of-month fundraising deadline coming up on Wednesday, will you step up and chip in whatever you can so we can meet our goals?

Thank you,

Team Moulton