From ADL International Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject Anti-Israel UN Report Denounced by ADL
Date November 2, 2022 4:36 PM
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October 2022
Commission of Inquiry Report Ignores History and Key Facts

In response to the UN Human Rights Council&rsquo;s Commission of Inquiry report about Israel&rsquo;s role in the Palestinian Territories, Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director,
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explains why the report, despite raising some legitimate concerns, fails to provide any context or history for Israel&rsquo;s actions, demonstrating a clear anti-Israel bias by the report&rsquo;s authors.

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>>">Read the Full Op-Ed Here >>>

ADL CEO Cautions about Diplomatic Engagement with Iran

In response to the growing anti-regime protests in Iran, Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO,
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wrote about the need for more international vigilance on Iran, and cautioned that any diplomatic engagement, including on the potential of a US return to the JCPOA, must address the full range of Iranian aggressions.

ADL Releases Resource for College Students on Israel and Antisemitism

To address the rising tide of anti-Israel activities on campus,
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ADL released an updated and expanded version of Think. Plan. Act. (TPA) , a comprehensive online resource to help students identify and respond to anti-Israel bias and antisemitism. TPA takes real-life situations from campuses and provides tools for how Jewish students can be prepared, and best practices in developing a response. TPA also includes definitions on terms like antisemitism, anti-Zionism, and anti-Israel bias, as well as tips for having conscientious conversations on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and for engaging on social media.


Israel and the Middle East

ADL condemned
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attacks targeting Israeli soldiers and civilians across that resulted in the killing of two IDF soldiers and an Israeli civilian.

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strongly condemned an attack by extremist Israeli settlers on Palestinians, Israeli activists and IDF soldiers, and urged Israeli authorities to apprehend those responsible and work to prevent similar incidents from occurring.

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welcomed the historic maritime agreement signed between Israel and Lebanon, which aims to bring more stability and prosperity to the region.

In response to Israeli Prime Minister Lapid&rsquo;s UN speech where he embraced the two-state solution, Ken Jacobson, Deputy National Director,
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published an op-ed explaining why Israel must continue to work toward peace and avoid complacency in order to achieve this outcome.

In an op-ed marking the anniversary of the Second Intifada, Ken Jacobson
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reflected on the important lessons from that violent period and examined how the Second Intifada differed from the First Intifada.


Andrew Srulevitch, Director of European Affairs, represented ADL at a European Commission meeting in Brussels, which brought together Jewish and Muslim community leaders, government officials, Muslim and Jewish religious leaders, and veterinary experts to discuss the protection of religious freedom in the context of laws on animal slaughter.

Andrew also met the leadership of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary (MAZSIHISZ) to discuss issues of antisemitism and potential joint programs. He also met with Ambassador Yacov Hadas-Handelsman, Israel&rsquo;s ambassador to Hungary.

ADL conducted three Words To Action trainings on addressing antisemitism for over 40 young European Jewish leaders, focused on responding to anti-Zionist trends and anti-Israel bias on college campus.

Latin America

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welcomed the Argentina government's request of Qatar to arrest Iranian Vice President Mohsen Rezaei, wanted his role in the 1994 AMIA terrorist attack.

Several ADL-authored op-eds were translated into Spanish, including:
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Ken Jacobson on Lessons Learned from the Second Intifada (Ynet Espanol)
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Ken Jacobson on PM Lapid&rsquo;s Support for a Two-State Solution (El Espanol)
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Carole Nuriel and Aykan Erdemir on ADL&rsquo;s Moroccan Textbook Report (Enlace Judio)
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Ken Jacobson on Iranian President&rsquo;s 60 Minutes Interview (Infobae)
US and Global

In an
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op-ed , Ken Jacobson explains how the growing illiberalism on college campuses in the US is helping fuel a rise in anti-Israel campaigns.


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