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Call China's Climate Bluff
By Paul Bledsoe
PPI's Strategic Advisor
For New York Daily News ([link removed])
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While American climate advocates are still taking victory laps over the historic clean energy bill passed by Congress in August, the international climate challenge remains dire as diplomats gather in Egypt next week at the annual United Nations climate negotiations.
The key question for the U.S., EU and their allies, who are now spending hundreds of billions to cut their own domestic climate emissions, is how to compel China and other major emitting countries to reduce their greenhouse gases. Because today China’s emissions alone are nearly one-third of the global annual total, more than all the developed countries combined, and still rising. Simply put, global greenhouse emissions cannot decline — and climate protection cannot be achieved — until and unless China begins to cut its emissions.
Yet China’s President Xi Jinping, fresh from gaining a third consecutive five-year term at the Communist Party Congress, is moving in the opposite direction. Recent Chinese actions, including the suspension of climate change coordination with the United States, confirms that a kind of climate-and-energy Cold War has broken out, with China and Russia at its center. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine split an already fragile climate coalition of major-emitting nations, with China, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and, to some extent, India, playing nice with Vladimir Putin in part to get cheaper oil and gas, while each of these nations is suddenly less squeamish about emissions.
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New government report underscores secret of charter schools’ success
By Tressa Pankovits
Co-Director of Reinventing America's Schools
For The Hill ([link removed])
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It makes good sense for the federal government to provide grants to high-quality public charter schools seeking to open or expand. That’s the gist of a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released this week.
A GAO analysis of U.S. Department of Education (ED) charter school grants from 2006 to 2020 found that while few charter schools close overall, charter schools that received federal Charter School Program (CSP) awards were more likely to succeed than similarly situated charter schools that did not receive an award. Regardless of a school’s grade level, locale or student body racial, ethnic and poverty percentages, CSP schools are one-and-a-half times more likely to remain in operation five years after opening. The GAO concluded that, even after 12 years, the pattern of CSP-seeded schools remaining open and educating students generally held.
President Clinton in 1994 used his bully pulpit to convince Congress to pass the CSP. ED has since awarded billions in competitive grants to help applicants open new charter schools or replicate and expand high-quality charter schools. As the only source of federal funds available to public charters, the CSP is critically important. While taxes generally underwrite traditional school construction, charters must supply their own facilities. Without CSP grants, nearly a generation of kids wouldn’t have benefitted from thousands of tuition-free, locally accountable school options.
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NEW BLOG: NLRB Should Respect Workers' Decisions
By Will Marshall
PPI's Founder and President
For P ([link removed]) PI Blog ([link removed])
U.S. law protects the right of workers to vote on whether or not they want to form a union at their place of work. PPI strongly supports that right, and we respect the results whatever the workers decide.
We also support the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech for all Americans. That’s why we’re scratching our heads over the National Labor Relations Board’s decision this week to file a complaint against Amazon CEO Andy Jassy for publicly expressing his opinion that Amazon workers would be better off without unions. Jassy cited the benefits of direct relationships between workers and management and the ability to solve workplace problems without stretched out bureaucratic processes.
NLRB claimed that Jassy’s comments somehow interfere with the ability of Amazon workers to unionize. That’s nonsense. In fact, labor unions recently have launched two high-profile organizing drives at Amazon facilities. All failed when the workers voted against setting up a union.
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ICYMI: Is Germany Ready to Lead?
By Will Marshall
PPI's Founder and President
For The Hill ([link removed])
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Maybe Europeans are not from Venus after all. In a rare display of unity and resolve, they are pouring advanced weapons into Ukraine, expanding NATO, kicking their addiction to Russian gas and tightening the economic squeeze on Moscow.
With the reprehensible exception of Viktor Orban’s Hungary, our European allies seem determined to thwart Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutish attempt to dismember Ukraine if not erase it from the map altogether. To the surprise of many Americans, the creaky old transatlantic alliance is beginning to look like a strategic asset again.
Sweden and Finland, strictly neutral during the Cold War, are joining NATO. That’s confronted Putin with a new, 800-mile northern border with the defensive alliance he loathes and falsely claims poses an offensive threat to Russia.
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The Future of Teaching: How Can We Save Teacher Professional Development?
PPI’s Reinventing America’s Schools (RAS) Project partnered with The 74 Million to tape a new podcast series on the “Future of Teaching” recorded at the SXSW Education conference in Austin, Texas. In the final episode of our four-part series, RAS co-director Curtis Valentine sits down with Sarah Johnson, CEO of Teaching Lab.
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Neoliberal Mailbag #8
In this week's episode, Jeremiah answers questions about social media, activism, Adam Tooze, why the left hates free trade, Paul Krugman, democracy as a foreign policy goal, and much more!
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