Folks --

Washington is a lousy place to get things done, but now is the wrong time to walk away from the fight of our lives.

We need to defeat Trump. We need to take back the Senate. The paths to accomplishing both run right through Colorado, and our team is ready to dig in to do the hard work of turning our state blue in 2020.

But the truth is, we have some challenges ahead: Trump is promising to campaign “a lot” in Colorado next year, and my Republican opponent has an army of right-wing billionaires who are going to spend outrageous amounts of money to launch false attacks against me.

Our campaign won’t stoop down to their level, but we need the resources to fight back and get our message out. Your voice in this fight is going to be the great equalizer in this election, and with our year-end fundraising deadline tonight, I need to ask one more time:

Can I count on you to make a donation of $10 or more before our FEC deadline tonight at midnight? We’re so close to reaching our critical $500,000 goal -- and I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

With the mess in Washington right now, I believe this is a time for people who know how to do things differently -- who know how to work together to get things done. That's why I'm in this race.

Thanks for all you do.

— John