With or without Biden's nukes? Democrat treachery is without precedence in thic country.
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BIDEN CATASTROPHE: US, Saudi Arabia on High Alert Over Intel of Impending Iranian Attack: Report
But the Biden Administration remains determined to re-enter the JCPOA. A deal that will enable Iran to manufacture nukes, fund more terrorism, and subjugate it's citizens even further. It's madness. Be prepared for the possibility that our ...

Israel Elections: BIBI TAKES THE LEAD, Exit polls show Netanyahu’s bloc winning parliamentary majority
Thank gd! It looks like the Israelis have voted the incompetent and appeasing Leftist government out of office, after more than a year of being under siege by Palestinian terrorists. By the way, the days of Israel being silent on the Biden ...

Lee Zeldin Takes The Lead Over Kathy Hochul in Key New York Gov Race: poll
If decent New Yorker's (regardless of political affiliation) come out and vote for Zeldin, then Zeldin will be the next Governor of New York.

New Yorkers, whatever political strip, has been crushed by Hochul's hellscape.

Related: ...

SENATE RACE SHAKE-UP: Libertarian Candidate Drops Out in AZ, Backs Republican Blake Masters
Fantastic. The race for Senate in Arizona is super close. The third party Libertarian candidate dropping out from the race, will be most helpful in getting Blake Masters over the finish line. If Masters flips Arizona, it is all but assured that the ...

DEMOCRAT HELL: Halloween Mass Shooting in Chicago: 14 People, Including 3 Children Shot
Absolutely horrible. Chicago's Soros funded DA and the batshit crazy Democrat mayor are lenient of criminals. This is the result. Is it any wonder why major corporations are fleeing the Windy City? And the governor of Illinois is awful as well. ...

‘Demonizes Muslims’ – UK Officials Censor Name of Terrorist in Report
Jihadis cite Islamic teachings chapter and verse, but mention that and you are a racist-islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigot.

On the other hand, “white supremacy” is guilt by colour of all whites.


‘Demonises Muslims’ – UK ...

Iranian teen girl beaten to death by police for tearing Khomeini’s photo – report
Still no backlash from America's feminist organizations over Iran's brutal and murderous treatment of Iranian women. Absolutely shameful. As for the Biden Administration's Iran policy; watch below.

He didn't say the nuclear appeasement is over. ...

JIHAD IN ISRAEL: “Palestinians” Celebrate Murder of Jewish Man (VIDEO)
And the Leftist elites demand that Israel reward this barbarity with statehood. Call your member of Congress and demand that all U.S aid to the Palestinian Authority is stopped. The aid is used by the Palestinian Authority to fund terrorism, ...

WATCH Israeli, US and Arab paratroopers dive to mark Abraham Accords anniversary
More miraculous Trump peace. The progress of President Trump's Abraham Accords is perhaps the only positive news we see in these horrific times. #Trump2024!

Related – In first, Israeli athlete competes in Saudi Arabia

Related – Israeli ...

WATCH Actor and Pro-Israel Activist Noa Tishby Goes to Anti-Israel Berkeley
Jewish students are being vilified, defamed, and ostracized on American college campuses by pro-Palestinian activists. No backlash from the mainstream media, Hollywood, or corporate America against pro-Palestinian activists, as there is against ...

Media Research Center Report: Google Manipulated Searches in Senate Races, Favoring Democrats
This is election interference. When are these treasonous cretins going to face justice?

Media Research Center Report: Google Manipulated Searches in Senate Races

By: Allum Bokhari31 Oct 2022:

A report from the Media Research Center, ...

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