Dear friend,
We're in the final hours of 2019 and the final hours of our match campaign! Please help us meet our goal of $200,000 by making a contribution to FAMM today.
Last year, we raised more than $187,000 toward our work in justice reform — and it paid off. In 2019, we:
• Flew in affected families from around the country to meet their lawmakers and discover new ways to advocate on behalf of their loved ones;
• Worked tirelessly to secure compassionate release for terminally ill people who otherwise would have died in prison;
• Launched several highly impactful campaigns, including #VisitAPrison and the 1,000 Stories Project, to raise awareness and action across the country for those who need it most.
That's just a glimpse of what we accomplished. And it's all because of your support, FAMMily!
Don't wait to give — all donations received by midnight tonight will be matched by a generous donor. That means your gift of any amount will be DOUBLED! Please give now.

Kevin Ring President, FAMM