On November 8th, the CA Legislature will either
remain with a Democrat Supermajority or more balance could be achieved
But its up to YOU to make a difference!
With less than a week to go to the General Election, A Voice for Choice Advocacy asks you to do something this week to help elect legislators who care about California Health Rights and vaccine choice. Your votes, as well as your time and money are critical. By the end of the day, be sure you have:
1) Identified which Candidates for California Health Rights you will vote for
2) Supported the campaigns of key Candidates who are for California Health Rights (may be outside your district) either financially and/or with your time
As non-profit, A Voice for Choice Advocacy cannot endorse a candidate or tell you who to vote for, but we can tell you how to work out who in your districts will further California Health Rights and vaccine choice. The individuals and makeup of the CA legislature (Assembly and Senate) is what determines what bills get passed and which don’t here in California. The County Board of Supervisors hire and fire your County Public Health Officer and your local School Board determines school policies. These are the most important races - they will decide what happens in the next 2-4 years in California, so we ask you get involved in the election process.
Identify which Candidates for California Health Rights you will vote for:
Governor: The Governor is up for election in California this year
Federal Legislature: Both Federal Senators are up for election in California this year. All Federal Congressmen/Congresswomen are up for election. You can find your congressional district number by entering your address here: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/CA#representatives.
State Legislature: In California, every Assembly district is up for election and half the Senate districts are up for election – the even numbered districts. You can find your Assembly district number and your Senate district number by typing your address into this link: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/.
County Board of Supervisors and Local School Districts: These are specific to your local area as to how many are up for election.
Separate from A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Christina and a few others have again worked on a project which identifies which CA state candidates who are for California Families for Health Rights (http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/)

Support campaigns of key State Candidates who are for California Health Rights:
Help where help is needed most, which may not be in your district. While you may want to support a candidate in your district, there are only 10 races in the California Assembly and Senate elections that are competitive and whose results will change the trajectory of CA Health Rights and Vaccine Choice. Most of these are also races that are hotly contested and candidates on both sides are hurling accusations and money at their opponent. They will either solidify the Super Democrat majority in the California Assembly and Senate or they will bring more balance to the two state houses. They need your help!
There are two ways to support the Candidate you want in office – Money and Time. AVFCA recommends you give your time and/or money specifically to those candidates identified by California Families for Health Rights (http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/supporting-candidates) which will have the greatest impact for our cause, even if they are not in your district.
Financial donations to support candidates…
The limit for individual campaign donations for CA Senators or Assembly Members is $4,900 per candidate, per year, but just $5 per candidate makes a difference to their campaign efforts. Donations can be made to candidates in any district. AVFCA recommends you donate to their campaigns directly, with a note specifically saying “Donated in the interest of California Families for Health Rights”. This will amplify your individual donation, as it groups all donations made to a candidate under one umbrella statement, making them realize that the mission is an important one in getting them elected.
Volunteering to support candidates
The next week is critical to supporting these candidates. Click on the candidate’s website link or email them (http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/supporting-candidates) and sign up for newsletters and events. Contact their campaign office and find out how you can volunteer your time. This may include:
Registering people to vote
Precinct walking
Phone banking
Helping with candidate meet and greets
Putting together yard signs
Social medial posts
And much more
Get involved and make a change in California. For more information sign up with California Families for Health Rights. http://cafamiliesforhealthrights.org/contact

If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
