On November 8th, millions of people across the country will head to the polls to decide what Congress will look like for the next two years.
There’s so much on the line for caregivers and people who receive care. It’s so important we're heard!
Have you made a plan to vote yet? It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Make a pledge to be a care voter.
- Research where your candidates are at on your issues. Need help finding out where your candidates are on paid leave, child care, and home and community-based services? Check out our Care At The Polls guide now.
- Vote on November 8th!

We’re a nation of caregivers yet those in power continue to deprioritize paid leave, affordable child care, and accessible long-term home care while many can’t make ends meet. Voting is one big way to ensure we win historic care legislation in the next 2 years especially with all that's happening to make it harder for people to vote.
Being a voter is only the beginning of our work. In the coming months, we’ll be asking you to take action with us in some big and easy ways to push for better care policies in 2023. But it all starts with the midterms and getting care champions in office!
Voting doesn’t take a lot of time but it's an important step in making sure we get everything our families and communities deserve now and into the future. Pledge to be a care voter now.
In this together,
Nicole Jorwic
Chief of Advocacy and Campaigns
Caring Across Generations