Hi John,

After each end-of-month deadline of this campaign, I think about the people powering our movement - and the folks behind our MAGA opponent Alek Skarlatos.

We've built this campaign together, supported by working people from across this district, across Oregon, and across the country. People who believe in grassroots power, who believe in our democracy, who believe that we need leaders in Congress who will stand up to MAGA extremists and protect our fundamental rights.

On Alek's side? Billionaires and corporations, Kevin McCarthy's SuperPAC, election deniers, anti-abortion groups and extremist DC Republicans, cutting big checks in hopes of planting their MAGA flag here in Oregon.

I'll take our movement any day of the week and I'm proud to have you standing with me.

When it comes down to it, Alek Skarlatos and his backers know they can't win this election on merits alone. They know their values aren't Oregon values, so their only choice is to mislead and lie and hope that voters are too dumb to see the truth.

Well, John, with your help we've been fighting back against this wave of MAGA money and we're just one week away from winning this election.

Chip in $3 today and let's send Alek and his backers a clear message: Your divisive politics are not welcome here in Oregon.

Thanks for standing with our campaign,


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