Happy Halloween! Election Day is only eight days away, which means it's time to cast your ballot for gun responsibility candidates! Find a full list of Victory Fund-endorsed candidates in our interactive voter guide and get all your election questions answered here.

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
This October, we are highlighting the deadly intersection of domestic violence and firearms and lifesaving policies designed to support survivors. In Washington, we're proud of the progress we've made to better protect survivors from gun violence.
Learn more >

2022 Legislative Scorecard
We don’t just elect candidates to office, we're also committed to holding legislators accountable. This week, we published our eighth annual legislative scorecard, which measures each Washington state legislator’s commitment to gun violence prevention.
See how your leaders scored >

LGBTQ+ History Month
October also marks LGBTQ+ History Month and in recognition, we are drawing attention to the role of guns in violence against the queer community. According to The National Coalition Of Anti-Violence Projects, guns were used in nearly 60 percent of bias-motivated homicides of queer individuals.
Learn more >
We're on TikTok!
We have (finally!) joined TikTok and we hope you'll give us a follow! But don't worry, if you prefer Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, we're there too. Find us on your platform of choice by searching Alliance for Gun Responsibility and give us a follow for the latest, most fun, updates on our work.
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