Dear John,
November is Native American/Indigenous Heritage Month and we have a collection of resources for you. In addition, as Election Day approaches, there are many ways to engage in conversations with young people—before, during and after the election. Finally, ADL's Never Is Now, the World's Largest Summit on Antisemitism and Hate is Thurs, Nov 10 at The Javits Center in New York City. Join your fellow educators and students as well as leaders, experts and changemakers from across the country as we address this critical issue. | |
New Lesson Plan
Intent vs. Impact and Why it Matters
This lesson plan for middle and high school students helps students explore the difference between intent and impact in communication and examine common scenarios to explore how to effectively prioritize impact over intent. Download Lesson Plan | | | |
Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month, a good opportunity to explore Native American history and culture as well as the injustices faced by Indigenous people. This collection of resources includes lesson plans, children’s literature and other resources. Read More
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New Guide
Election Misinformation and Disinformation: How to Know What’s True and What’s False
This guide, for ages 16 and up, explains what misinformation is, how it differs from disinformation, how to spot misleading and false information and what we can do about it – including finding accurate election-related information. Download Guide | | | |
New Resource Collection
Teaching About Elections
There are many ways to talk and teach about elections with young people. Use our collection of lesson plans, Table Talk discussion guides, teaching tools, children’s literature and more. Download Resource | | | |
Kristallnacht: A Teachable Moment
The commemoration of the Kristallnacht pogrom presents a unique teachable moment: what happens when people are deprived of basic rights and others stand by without taking action? Your classroom is invited to join Sheryl Ochayon of Yad Vashem who will explore these issues and why they still matter today-- November 8 at 1pm ET Register
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with Antisemitism on the rise, we need to hear the voices of young people now more than ever. JOIN US nov 10 in nyc and Give yourself and your students strategies to address antisemitism, bias and hate!
The event is free to educators and students!
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Anti-Bias Curriculum for Sale
Use our elementary, middle and high school curriculum guides to teach anti-bias education in your classroom. The curricula are designed to help students explore identity, understand and interpret differences, and analyze and challenge bias. Purchase Curriculum | |