From Liz Willen <[email protected]>
Subject The Supreme Court takes up affirmative action
Date November 1, 2022 7:00 PM
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Race-conscious admissions are on trial, with consequences for equity

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Liz Willen Dear reader,

After listening to lively and often contentious arguments over the use of race in college admissions before the Supreme Court Monday, I went back to ponder a remark made by Justice Sonia Sotomayor. “If you’re Black,” she said, “you’re more likely to be in an under-resourced school. You’re more likely to be taught by teachers who are not as qualified as others. You’re more likely to be viewed as having less academical potential.”

Regardless of how the court rules (and yesterday’s hearings made it plainly obvious that many of the justices are highly skeptical of race-conscious admissions) Sotomayor’s comments in many ways underscored the heart of our work covering inequality in education at The Hechinger Report. We’ll be closely watching and reporting on the outcome of this case ([link removed]) with our partners at WCNY and Retro Report, and we are publishing an array of opinions on the topic – and welcome yours. ([link removed])

This week we also look at the beleaguered child-care industry ([link removed]) , and at the successes vocational schools ([link removed]) are having in Massachusetts, among other topics. As always, we love hearing opinions, ideas and solutions from our readers, amid great concern over plunging test scores and pandemic-related learning loss. Please remind others to sign up ([link removed]) for our free newsletters, and consider becoming a Hechinger Report member. ([link removed])

Liz Willen, Editor

Main Idea

** Equal Protection ([link removed])
How is race and ethnicity considered in college admissions? The Hechinger Report has teamed up with WCNY and Retro Report with support from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting to explore the origins of affirmative action and the arguments before the Supreme Court that are challenging this practice today.
Reading List

** Massive learning setbacks show Covid’s sweeping toll on kids ([link removed])
A new analysis found that the average student lost more than half a school year of learning in math and nearly a quarter of a school year in reading

** Finding child care is still impossible for many parents ([link removed])
As the child care industry struggles to recover from the pandemic, parents are encountering daunting waitlists and severe staffing shortages
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** PROOF POINTS: Research on increasing diversity in college admissions ([link removed])
Weak evidence for alternatives to affirmative action

** How one college is tackling the rural nursing shortage ([link removed])
Grow-your-own community college programs in rural communities reach nursing students who might struggle with a commute to campus

** What does the ‘metaverse’ mean for education? ([link removed])
Experts warn educators to think twice before jumping on new technologies

** OPINION: Why the upcoming affirmative action cases ignore the real issue in college admissions ([link removed])
It’s time to take a closer look at policies that favor wealthy, white students at elite schools

** OPINION: Often overlooked vocational-tech schools provide great solutions to student debt, labor shortages ([link removed])
Here’s what education leaders can learn from successful models in Massachusetts

** OPINION: U.S. high schools must take note and take action after dismal NAEP score report ([link removed])
Urgent work is ahead for getting students successfully back on track and ready for college
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