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Dear Subscriber,

I’ll keep this short: We need your help to reach our fundraising goal of $20,000 by midnight tonight. We’re so close, with $19,000 already raised from readers like you--and your donation could be the one that gets us past the finish line.

New York needs the local, investigative journalism that we provide, but we can’t do it alone. Donations from readers like you keep us going. Will you join us?

Please make your tax-deductible, double-your-impact donation by midnight to keep City Limits strong.
Yes, I'll donate by midnight for TWICE the impact

NewsMatch has committed to match every donation, up to $1,000. Your fellow supporters have already done their part. Will you stand with them today and make a donation?

If we reach our goal, we can bring you even more of the investigative, watchdog journalism New York needs.

We only have a few hours left. Please donate now to help us raise $20,000 by midnight.

With gratitude,

Jarrett Murphy
Executive Editor 
City Limits

P.S. There’s still time! Please help us spread the word by forwarding this email to friends and colleagues who you think would be interested in supporting our work.

WeWork Harlem • 8 W 126th Street, 3rd Floor • New York, NY 10027

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