Elijah Cummings has faced down and defeated racist bullies like Trump with courage and integrity

This is not the first time in his life that Elijah Cummings has faced down racist bullies. He had to do that many times growing up. But this is the first time that the racist bully was the president of the United States of America.

This is unacceptable. Sign here to join me in letting Elijah know that we stand with him and the people of Baltimore against the despicable attacks by the Racist in Chief.

I never, ever thought that any president could sink so low and be such an embarrassment to our country. But, until we win back the White House in 2020, we need to stand up against this despicable conduct.

Elijah Cummings has qualities that Trump will never have—integrity, courage and decency. Elijah has spoken truth to power and Trump can’t take it. That’s why we have to send a clear message that we have Elijah’s back.

Baltimore is a great American city with great people and great spirit. Yes, it has many challenges which our community is working to address, but we will not allow Trump to divide us. The people of Baltimore have something that Trump will never have or understand: dignity. Sign here to let the people of Baltimore know we stand in solidarity with them.

President Trump shows us who he is every day. There is no longer any excuse for my Republican colleagues to remain complicit. This is the same president who recently told four congresswomen of color to “go back” where they came from. Republicans have a responsibility to stand up to the President, denounce these attacks, and take action to defend our democracy. Sign here to let Republicans know they are complicit if they don’t speak out.

I refuse to be complicit in the President’s blatantly racist acts on our members of Congress
add your name here to stand in solitary against Trump’s racist bullying: https://action.vanhollen.org/page/s/standup

