Good afternoon,

Last month, we released polling and analysis from the Climate Leadership Council and Americans for Carbon Dividends that showed Republican voters support climate action and voted accordingly for House Conservative Climate Caucus Members in their 2022 primary elections. Today in the latest release from this polling, we are sharing insights into what voters think a meaningful conservative climate agenda could look like.

The findings show that the driving forces behind Republican voter support for climate policy are global accountability, out-competing rivals, and economic strength. Among Republican voters polled:

  • 76% agree “smart climate policy would reward American businesses and workers for their lower carbon emissions while penalizing the biggest global polluters.”

  • More than a 3:1 margin support a border carbon adjustment policy to charge a fee on imported goods based on the carbon emitted during their production. 60% of self-described “very conservative” voters supported this idea.

  • 77% are in favor of working with U.S. allies to penalize products made by high carbon pollution countries.

I invite you to read the full results from our polling and share them with others. Steve Rice, AFCD Managing Director, and I are happy to respond to any thoughts or questions.


Greg Bertelsen

Americans for Carbon Dividends (AFCD) is a national education and advocacy campaign that promotes a bipartisan climate solution where all sides win. 

The Climate Leadership Council works with a broad set of stakeholders to promote the most cost-effective, equitable and politically viable climate solutions.

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