From Roger Wicker <[email protected]>
Subject ROGER WICKER: In America, Government Rules by the Consent of the People
Date November 1, 2022 5:00 PM
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I hope you saw my latest weekly column.

ROGER WICKER: In America, Government Rules by the Consent of the People
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On September 18, 1787, Benjamin Franklin stepped out of Independence Hall in
Philadelphia after meeting with the Continental Congress, which was drafting
the new Constitution. A curious woman standing nearby asked him what kind of
government we would have. Dr. Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep
it.” From the very founding of our nation, our government has ruled by the
consent of the people. Voting is therefore an important duty of every American.

On November 8, millions of Americans will carry on this time-honored tradition
and cast their ballots in the midterm elections. Although there is no
presidential race this year, all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives
will be on the ballot, along with one-third of the U.S. Senate and a wide range
of state and local offices. These races will significantly shape the direction
of our state and our nation.

Government Of, By, and For the People

When our founding fathers broke away from Britain in 1776, they sincerely
believed that they were establishing a “new order of the age.” After all, this
was the first time in history that any nation had formed a new government based
on the will of the people. Their vision was bold and audacious, and they
understood it would make them targets of the British crown. Yet they believed
so firmly in freedom that they pledged to each other “our lives, our fortunes,
and our sacred honor,” and then signed their names in ink for the world to see.
In the years that followed, thousands of Americans would give their lives in
the War for Independence. Because of their sacrifice, our nation was victorious
and secured the right to be an independent republic.

Since then, our way of life has come under attack repeatedly, showing that
freedom is fragile. In 1812, some 30 years after the revolution, the British
invaded and tried to retake U.S. territory. In 1941, the Japanese attacked
Pearl Harbor, drawing our nation into World War II – a vast conflict between
the free world and hostile tyrannies. Soon afterward, we entered a 50-year Cold
War against Soviet-led communism, which aimed to crush freedom around the
world. Most recently, terrorists attacked our nation on 9/11, leading to the
War on Terror. In each conflict, American service members courageously put
themselves in harm’s way to keep us safe and protect the freedoms we cherish.

The Founders' Prediction Comes True

In the time since our nation’s founding, much of the world has followed our
lead in holding free and fair elections. Today there are an estimated two
billion voters across 50 countries and six continents. India has become the
world’s largest democracy, with over 800 million eligible voters. The founders
turned out to be right when they predicted that self-government would be the
“new order of the age.” We are profoundly fortunate to live in the world’s
oldest, freest, and most prosperous republic.

Keep Our Republic on November 8

Benjamin Franklin’s challenge to “keep” our republic is just as relevant today
as it was 235 years ago. Today our nation faces rampant inflation, a shaky
economy, rising crime, an open southern border, and growing threats from China
and Russia. November 8 is our golden opportunity to weigh in on these and other
vital issues. I encourage every eligible Mississippian to show up at the polls
and vote.

You can click here to share my Op-Ed with your friends on Facebook!
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Thank you for your support,

Senator Roger Wicker

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Please mail contributions to P.O. Box 64, Jackson, MS 39205.

Paid for by Wicker for Senate

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