Team — I want to share 4 important numbers with you:
2.5 million
That’s how many voters United We Dream Action is trying to contact before Election Day — so we can help them find their polling location, look up who’s on their ballots, and create a plan to vote.
That’s how many days we have left to reach our voter contact goal. We can’t expect to elect pro-immigrant champions to public office or defeat anti-immigrant Republicans unless we mobilize as many voters as possible before November 8th.
That’s how much we need to raise before Election Day to reach our voter outreach goals. Grassroots donations have already allowed us to contact over one million voters, lead text banks, train volunteers, and run ads in key states.
That’s our average donation amount this year. We mean it when we say grassroots contributions — donations of $12.60 at a time from supporters like you — fuel our work to hold elected officials accountable and advance our pro-immigrant message.
We’ve got one week left to make a difference, team. Will you help chip in $12.60 or any amount so we can mobilize millions and elect leaders who will fight for immigrant communities?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thank you for standing with us,
Juanita, United We Dream Action
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