There is only one more week to finish what we started in Michigan.
Voters have the power to elect Michigan Democrats who have proven time and time again that they will put our state on a forward path. Michigan Democrats are ready to stand up and fight for reproductive freedom, voting rights, a stronger economy, and working families.
Meanwhile, extremist Republicans are already spreading election misinformation and are gearing up for a repeat of 2020 where they will try to use conspiracy theories to delegitimize our state’s election results.
They’re scared that they’re going to lose. Together, we’re going to make sure that happens.
It has never been more critical to get out the vote in Michigan. We know some races will come down to the margins, but we need to turn out voters in numbers so high that no one will be able to falsely steal a single election from us.
When we work together, we win together, Team.
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Lavora Barnes
MDP Chair