It's time to end gun violence in America, but my opponent owns a company which peddles AR-15 merch and has vowed to do nothing.


Look, I carried an M-4 rifle on missions with the US Navy, I needed an assault weapon for that job, I don’t need one for my current job, and they sure as hell don’t belong in my kids’ school.



We had robust background checks, training, and red-flag protections when I was leading teams combating piracy in the Navy, why is expecting the same from any Joe-on-the-street is not too much to ask.


To be clear, after the Parkland shooting, Florida enacted numerous smart gun safety rules that are now models for the nation and still respect individual rights. I’m the only Democrat who co-sponsored a 2A bill to expand access last year, for example. But that was about common sense, for patients who use medical cannabis under Florida's laws.


But now an owner of a gun company is running against me because ANY sensible gun safety law that saves lives is too much for the gun companies who make record profits after school shootings.


Enough is enough.