In total, Oz has put over $25 million of his own money into his Senate campaign, making Oz the top self-funding candidate for federal office in the entire country in 2022.

Dr. Oz is officially the top self-funding candidate for federal office in the entire country.

Help us fight back now >>

John, let’s talk $$$.

Between Dr. Oz + GOP Super PACs, we’re already being massively outspent.

Then, news broke that Dr. Oz gave his campaign ANOTHER $2 millon. That’s ON TOP of the $7 million he gave his campaign last fundraising quarter.

In total, Oz has put over $25 million of his own money into his Senate campaign, making Oz the top self-funding candidate for federal office in the entire country in 2022.

And who else is funding his campaign? Dark money Super PACs and Donald Trump, of course. Millions and millions of dollars, all in an attempt to buy this Senate seat. Will you help us fight back by splitting a contribution of any amount between John’s campaign and Lucas Kunce's efforts to elect Dems up today? We can’t let Oz + his MAGA allies continue to outspend us.

If you've saved payment info with AB Express, a donation to John Fetterman and Lucas Kunce will go through immediately:

Quite frankly, {FirstName or 'folks'}}, we’re getting nervous. Oz is using the GOP’s ca$h advantage to spread baseless lies about John… and it’s working. Just this week, a new poll showed John leading Dr. Oz by only TWO points — well within the margin of error.

The only way to fight back is aBIG surge of grassroots fundraising so we can immediately ramp up our budget through Election Day. We can’t be outspent.

Unlike Oz, John doesn’t have million$ to personally fund his campaign — instead, he is relying on grassroots contributions from supporters like you. So we’re asking:

Will you help us fight back against the dark money flooding in? Anything you can contribute will make a huge difference.

If you've saved payment info with AB Express, a donation to John Fetterman and Lucas Kunce will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support today,

Team Fetterman 💛