Dear?Friend --

2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, guaranteeing American women the right to vote. In honor of the bold female leaders who came before us and the special role conservative women played in the fight for suffrage, we are holding a 2020 Centennial Membership Drive!

Centennial Special:

Incentives to Join Today:

  • Complimentary ticket to our 2020 kick-off event in February
  • Discounted membership rate until January 15, 2020
  • Access to meet & greet opportunities with Republican women candidates
  • Access to networking events and career development opportunities
  • Your name listed on RightNOW Women PAC event signage and materials throughout 2020 to demonstrate your commitment to our mission

We hope you will join RightNOW Women PAC or renew your membership before January 15th! Your support is critical to getting our Republican women candidates the resources they need early in the 2020 cycle.

Stay tuned for details on our February kick-off event!

Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!

Best Regards,

Ariel Judah & Jean Card
Co-Chairs, RightNOW Women PAC

RightNOW Women PAC

Keep up with RightNOW Women PAC on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

RightNOW Women PAC ? PO Box 30844, Bethesda, MD 20824, United States
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