
We have one week until Election Day. That means we have one more week to make sure Illinois' law-abiding gun owners know what is at stake in this election and which candidates support our rights. We can’t reverse the anti-gun agenda in Springfield in one election, but every race we can turn puts us in a better position in the legislature. 

Will you make a last minute donation right now to help us get the word out about the ISRA PVF preferred and endorsed candidates?

Eight days from now we will have to start preparing for battle in the legislature. If you don’t cast your vote, don’t be surprised what our opponents try to take from us. We are already hearing rumors about the gun control legislation and attempts to circumvent the recent US Supreme Court ruling that we will be fighting against. 

Now is our opportunity to send a message. Click here to donate $25, $50, $100 or $250 so we can turn out voters in support of our allies. 

Onward to Election Day!

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The Illinois State Rifle Association Political Victory Fund
422 East Locust | PO Box 476 | Chatsworth,  Illinois 60921

The ISRA-PVF is a political action committee affiliated with the Illinois State Rifle Association. Donations to the ISRA-PVF are not tax deductible and are subject to the rules and regulations of the Illinois State Board of Elections. A copy of our report is available for a fee from the Illinois State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL.

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