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A win for all of our affiliates!

The Muslim Council of Britain won in the ‘Top 10 Charities or Community Initiative Award’ category at the 4th Annual Ethnicity Awards, sponsored by HSBC UK. 

This Award is in recognition of the hard work of our affiliates across the UK in making MCB a stronger and more impactful organisation
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💪 Advocacy

Up-skilling the next generation of responsible journalists

The Centre for Media Monitoring's (CfMM) Director, Rizwana Hamid delivered Masterclasses throughout the country to journalism students on how to report on Islam and Muslims accurately.
Bristol Muslim Conference

MCB was invited to contribute towards a productive conference in Bristol on the future of faith in the region. Our Secretary-General delivered a keynote speech and shared her insights.
MCB at the European Commission

We joined the "Freedom of Religion: Religious Slaughter in Europe" roundtable. Jewish and Muslim colleagues raised concerns and recommendations on outright bans facing communities across Europe.

Read more here.
Islam in Ireland Conference

It was a real pleasure for MCB to speak at the "Islam & Ireland Conference" to discuss the future for Irish Muslims. Guests included the former President of Ireland, Dr Mary McAleese.

Read more here.

🔎 Your MCB

Welcome to our new affiliates

We are delighted to welcome to the MCB family the following organisations:
  • Solace UK
  • Liverpool Muslim Society – Al-Rahma Mosque
  • Halal Food Information Centre UK
  • North Somerset British Association. 

📂 Campaign

Join us in offering a warm welcome 

This campaign aims to support organisations to open their doors and provide a warm welcome for those struggling to heat their homes this winter. 

Find out more here.

📰 In the news

🔗  Government drops plan to combat anti-Muslim hatred with official definition of Islamophobia

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