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New plan to secure US weapons in Ukraine leaves gaps: experts

By Connor Echols on Nov 01, 2022 03:00 am

The State Department is issuing welcome new protections to stop diversion, but it's doing nothing yet about small arms.
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Underfunded diplomacy is feature (not a bug) of US foreign policy

By Daniel Larison on Oct 31, 2022 03:00 am

As long as there are no costs for opposing negotiations with adversaries, the military will remain the primary American tool abroad.
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When pipeline politics go boom

By Stephen Kinzer on Oct 28, 2022 03:20 am

We may never know who sabotaged Nordstream 2. But it wasn't the first, nor likely the last casualty of such fierce geopolitical conflict.
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What ever happened to our fear of Armageddon?

By Jim Walsh on Oct 28, 2022 03:00 am

Subsequent efforts to cut arsenals or keep weapons from 'bad guys' have inured the public from the real danger: the nukes themselves.
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How the US can easily alter its relationship with Saudi Arabia

By Hassan El-Tayyab on Oct 27, 2022 03:00 am

A War Powers Resolution will cut US aid to the kingdom's war on Yemen; it has wide bipartisan support and a fast track legislative process.
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When the US threatens to use nuclear weapons

By Ted Snider on Oct 27, 2022 03:00 am

Deputy Secretary Wendy Sherman just reaffirmed that Washington would maintain first use to protect 'our allies.'
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Western paternalism in Africa reaches its limits

By Patrick Fox on Oct 26, 2022 03:00 am

Decades of failed policy, including US and French counterterrorism programs, have some African leaders looking for alternatives.
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Josep Borrell’s ‘jungle’ trope was no slip of the tongue

By Jan Eijking on Oct 26, 2022 03:00 am

EU's foreign policy chief suggests Europe has to unite to tame what's outside its own tidy garden, raising awkward colonial connotations.
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