Hi John,

In the United States, voters are heading to the polls for midterm elections. Now more than ever, it's vital that reproductive justice remains part of the public conversation. We understand talking about abortion can be uncomfortable, so here are three points to keep in mind that can help you as you approach these discussions:

1. Speak with confidence
Nine out of 10 Americans oppose total abortion bans. That's a huge majority. So know that whoever you're talking with, you probably share some common ground. (Read more about this surprising fact and the public opinion research we did to discover it!)

2. Know this fight is winnable
A relatively small number of well-organized people spent decades campaigning to overturn Roe v. Wade. Now the majority needs to fight back. Despite what the vocal minority wants you to think, the numbers are on our side.

3. Understand your power
A lot of people feel they don't have a role to play in creating change. But history shows that progress on social issues depends on our willingness to make injustices visible and keep the spotlight on them. From the civil rights movements of the 1960s, the women's movement in the 1970s, LGBTQ rights in the 1980s, to Black Lives Matter today, change begins with everyone speaking up in their everyday lives.

We're in this together,


Jennifer Daw Holloway
Ipas Director of Communications

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