Dear John,
Members like you contributed to huge strides in 2019. Together we laid the groundwork to protect Wisconsin for future generations, but there is still work to be done.
As we look to the challenges of 2020, will you help pave the way toward a brighter future? Donate now to support a conservation movement that is stronger than ever: [[link removed]]
In the face of attacks against our land, air, water, and communities, we need your support now more than ever.
But conservation voters are as tough as they come, and with your support, we’ve faced opposition from deep-pocketed polluters and their allies time and again – and won.
Your contribution today will allow us to act on climate, protect Wisconsin’s drinking water, and safeguard the health of our communities in 2020. Will you join us with a gift by midnight tonight? [[link removed]]
Thank you for helping us go big and lead the way into a future where all communities have clean water, clean energy, healthy communities, and access to the wild places that define our state!
Thank you for being a conservation voter.
Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
P.S. Be part of the conservation action in 2020! Donate today to protect the gains conservation voters have made in protecting this state that we all love: [[link removed]]
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To send us any comments or feedback, just reply to this email. Thanks for your support!
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States