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UK Sex Grooming Gangs Victimize 19,000 Children in 2019 And apparently, it's still racist to talk about it Read and Share right-arrow.png
Have Ilhan Omar & CAIR Bred Acceptance of Today's Rampant Anti-Semitism? 2019's biggest stories about Islamism and anti-Semitism Read and Share right-arrow.png
Rejected! Muslim Patrol Head Nixes Peace Agreement with Bloods Instead, Siraj Wahhaj is ready to betray one of his own Read and Share right-arrow.png
Readers Write
Machete the ‘Size of a Broomstick’: Eye Witness to Latest NY Anti-Semitic Attack
“Hate has no bounds.This is nothing new in New York, but the Democrat politicians and Liberal press, eg., the NYT, will not address the issue of antisemitism when it involves Black Americans. Antisemitism gets a pass even in the Congress when it involves Muslims.”
- A.E.
Have Ilhan Omar & CAIR Bred Acceptance of Today’s Rampant Anti-Semitism?
“Congress is allowing them to spit their venon.”
- D.B.B.

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