Extinction Rebellion is joining Climate Justice Coalition and People’s Assembly actions this month.

Hello John

The times we are living in have huge potential for change with 66% of people in the UK saying they support nonviolent direct action to protect the environment and thousands stepping up to fight the rising cost of living. [1]

This month there are two key opportunities to show up in solidarity, help make relationships and meet people from other groups who are doing the work to turn these crises around.

November 12th

Climate Justice Coalition Mobilisation in cities around the UK.

On November 12th, mass mobilisations across the country will bring thousands of people on to the streets to demand Climate Justice in solidarity with the Global Day of Action called by Egyptian groups at COP27. From the cost of living scandal, to climate impacts in the Global South, this is our opportunity to stand with all those at the front lines of climate breakdown.

On Wed 2 Nov at 18.00-19.00, XRUK will host an Open Call with the Climate Justice Coalition central team. Join to hear more about the event and how to get involved in local organising. Register here for the zoom call


November 5th

People’s Assembly Against Austerity March
12noon Embankment, London 

Extinction Rebellion will be participating in the People’s Assembly march on the 5th November alongside groups and organisations such as RMT, DPAC, Communication Workers Union, NHS Workers say no, PCS Union and more. Together we will rise up against this government and the damage they have wreaked on our country and our democracy. 

We face huge challenges but we are not alone. There are thousands of people around the UK ready to do the work to build a better future.

Love & Rage,
Extinction Rebellion UK

[1] 66% of people in the UK say they support nonviolent direct action


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