THIS is huge. It is a massive violation of our first amendment rights. America is over if this stands. Every one involved should be brought up on treasonous charges. You don't get to blow up the Constitution and win. How is this not the biggest story on ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Tech companies (incl.Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Wikipedia, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Verizon) met monthly with FBI, DHS, and other govt agencies to coordinate censorship operations during 2020 election
THIS is huge. It is a massive violation of our first amendment rights. Every one involved should be brought up on treasonous charges. You don't get to blow up the Constitution and win.

America is over if this stands.

I am but one person ...

‘The Only Way Democrats Win This Time Is If They Cheat’: Former NYC Police Commissioner
Says everyone with a modicum of sense. And the Democrats have mastered it. The only thing off in this declaration is “this time”.

‘The Only Way Democrats Win This Time Is If They Cheat’: Former NYC Police Commissioner

Bernard Kerik ...

Rep. Lee Zeldin Visits AND Gets Support From Bronx Bangladeshi Community Ahead of Gubernatorial Election
Lee Zeldin is campaigning everywhere. He does not cede ground unlike other Republicans. Zeldin is campaigning in Democrat strongholds throughout New York State. Visiting voters of all stripes who are fed-up with the out of control crime that is ...

Election Investigative Journalists Arrested After Refusing to Reveal Confidential Informant
Why weren't Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein jailed? Or Daniel Ellsberg for his Pentagon Papers?

Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips should be given the same protections as the sleazeball media (ie NYT, WaPo etc.)

Catherine Engelbrecht ...

WATCH Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin joins Zeldin in Westchester
Watch! Zeldin can win if rational New Yorker's get out and vote. #Zeldin2022!

POWERFUL ENDORSEMENT: Zeldin Receives Backing Of Influential FJCC, Massive Orthodox Jewish Voting Bloc

MASSIVE TURNOUT: Fla Gov. Ron DeSantis Bashes NY Dems at ...

Elon Musk accuses Twitter board of ‘deliberately’ hiding evidence from court: ‘Stay tuned’
This just keeps getting better and better. Harder! Faster!

The  Twitter Board lied to  the court. Further, these entities would be in trouble with the SEC as well for filing false statements.

As Joe Hoft reminds us, Yoel Roth was the the ...

US Sanctuary States Handing Out Millions of OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to Illegal Aliens
These plundering, predatory politicians steal with impunity. They don't ask us. They produce nothing. Create nothing. They just destroy.

Taxation without representation.

Te number of migrants crossing illegally shows little sign of slowing ...

POWERFUL ENDORSEMENT: Zeldin Receives Backing Of Influential FJCC, Massive Orthodox Jewish Voting Bloc
This is the Jewish vote. Make no mistake, these are real Jews not the godless, secular self-hating Democrats with Jewish last names.

POWERFUL ENDORSEMENT: Zeldin Receives Backing Of Influential FJCC, Massive Orthodox Jewish Voting Bloc In ...

Iran backed Hezbollah: For every Israeli strike in Syria, we’ll attack US forces in the country
But the Biden Administration remains desperate to re-enter the JCPOA nuclear pact. An agreement that will enable Iran to manufacture nukes, finance more terrorism, and subjugate it's citizens even further. It's stunning.

Related – Iran ...

Brazil’s Lula da Silva wins fiercely contested presidential run-off vote
Heartbreaking. The Left is now firmly in charge of Latin America. Brazil joins Honduras, Chile, Peru, and Colombia by putting the Left into power. Expect China to exploit South America's new Leftist governments, while the Biden Administration takes ...

A Swing State No More, Florida Becomes Redder In Wake of DeSantis Leadership, GOP Confidence Grows
Florida is no longer a swing state because of the remarkable performance of Governor DeSantis. It is looking like the Democrats are going to be routed in Florida on November 8th.

It is rare that American's experience an elected official whose ...

Israeli killed, several wounded in Islamic terror attack
Israelis go to the polls on Tuesday. A vote for the Left is a vote for more Palestinian terror attacks.

We stand with Israel and keep the people in our prayers.

— Christians United for Israel (@CUFI) October 29, ...

How Is Israel Doing?
Israel is a small country that has had to fight three wars for its survival, in 1948, 1967, and 1973, and well as numerous lesser campaigns against terrorist groups, including four wars in Gaza against Hamas, two wars in Lebanon against the PLO and ...
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