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Hey friends!

Is October already over??
We've continued our Prepping for the 88th Legislative session series. I personally heard from the following individuals & organizations at the meetings I was able to attend: 

Brandon Waltens
Texas Scorecard

Kelly Neidert
Protect Texas Kids

Rebecca Hardy 
Texans for Vaccine Choice

Tim Hardin
Texans for Fiscal Responsibility

Rachel Hale
Texans United for Reform & Freedom

John Seago
Texas Right to Life

Kevin Whitt
Mass Resistance

Chris McNutt
Texas Gun Rights

Megan Corser
Texas Home School Coalition

John Guandolo
Understanding the Threat

Whew!!! Sure hope I didn't forget anyone! This group of Organizational Allies and friends to True Texas Project all have important points of discussion to share in our legislative priorities! If you missed them in October - check the calendar for where you might find them in November! 

You will find your County specific activities on our events page online or on our Facebook page! We are getting more and more social activities set up in addition to the monthly meetings! I love the sense of community this builds among each of our County groups! So be sure to check those out!

On a Personal Note:

My favorite part of October was our Leadership Summit!
On Oct 22nd & 23rd we hosted 85 of our satellite lead team volunteers from across the state for a FREE weekend of training and fellowship! We learned from David Kuhnert and his extensive knowledge on leadership. Check out his book: Servant Leadership
. We also had some informative talks from our own TTP fam - Chris Betts, Matt Armstrong and entertainment from Mike Toy! Our exclusive Leadership shirts were also a big hit this year! 


Summit1.JPGWe're making it a tradition to attend Church services together on the Sunday morning of Summit where we also get a group photo in our matching shirts! Feel like you're missing out?? Join one of our Leadership teams and you could be in on the action next year!

Last week, TTP hosted a private luncheon with Congressman Thomas Massie! Kentucky's 4th Congressional District Representative, Massie is a champion for Liberty who doesn't back down! He's a fascinating man. Told us about his off-grid farm in Kentucky which he pretty much built with his family. Had a great story about a personal phone call from Trump when he demanded Congress show up for a recorded vote in passing the bill for the first stimulus package while they were trying to shut down for schmovid.  Everyone was mad at him for that, but he was standing strong for Americans and the Constitution. Follow his social accounts if you aren't already! Massie.JPG

Meeting Spotlight:
In Johnson County we watched a a short documentary provided by Brett Rogers. Intentional Invasion can be viewed online anytime, but we encourage you to come to a showing at a TTP event because you can also engage in discussion with Brett!

What's Next?
November 8th - After you've gotten ALL of your neighbors, friends and family to VOTE... join TTP-Tarrant at Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne's Election Night, Victory Party!


Our Rockwall/Kaufman group will have a watch party after their meeting adjourns!

On November 10th, we are excited for our final Satellite launch of the year! TTP is now in Bexar County! We hope you can join us and bring a friend!


I almost forgot about our post card campaign!


During each meeting in October we handed out pre-addressed post cards. If you missed that, or did not attend a meeting this month, please do a handwritten message of your own to Speaker Phelan and pop it in the mail to PO Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768.

We often find that Democrat chairs are instrumental in killing Conservative and Republican legislative priorities in the Texas House. Having Democrat chairs also gives the representatives cover when they don’t want to be forced into taking hard votes. Bills get assigned to committees with Democrat Chairs, and then they get to blame the Democrats when the bills are killed. It needs to stop!

We want Speaker Phelan's office to be flooded with THOUSANDS of personal messages about ending the tradition of Democrat chairs when Republicans are in control. Please help us by writing your message now, so that we can be sure they get mailed, and reach Speaker Phelan before the start of the 88th Leg Session in January.

Are You Ready to Do Something?

It takes a whole team of people to operate each location and we could ALWAYS use more hands on deck! If you would like to help on any one of our teams please email me directly at [email protected]. Beyond the people it also takes money. If you can help support TTP financially, the very best way to do that is through monthly recurring donations.  No amount is too small - the small ones add up.  Of course we'll take big ones too!  No pressure, but if you'd like to donate to TTP (once or monthly), click the button below.  Bonus - you can designate your contributions to your specific satellite group!

Great things are always happening at True Texas Project!  We look forward to seeing you again next time - spread the word and bring a friend!

Susan Griffith,

Satellite Development Coordinator

North Texas Friends, please join us on Nov 12th when we are having a combined Post-election get-together with our Denton & Collin County groups! 



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