From Thea Lee, Economic Policy Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Millions of U.S. families are counting on us!
Date December 31, 2019 2:03 PM
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None of this work would be possible without your support.

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A group of progressive economists had an idea more than three decades ago; and they turned that idea into reality―putting working people first through top-notch data and research.

That organization was EPI.

For 33 years, we have been on the frontlines producing critical data on the growing income and wealth gap between the rich and everyone else and providing policy solutions to raise the wages of millions of working people across the United States.

None of this work would be possible without your support.

Make your end-of-year donation today to support the research behind the movement for progressive economic change! ([link removed])

Since 1986, the Economic Policy Institute has worked to ensure that all working people have good jobs, a voice at work, fair schedules, quality healthcare, retirement security, and realistic hope for a better future.

EPI provides solid research and data to inform lawmakers, opinion leaders, advocates, journalists, and the public.

Year after year, our amazing team of economists and researchers has led the battle for better pay and benefits with critical reports and powerful data that progressive leaders have used to successfully argue for economic policies that lift up millions of working families throughout our country.

Together, we are successfully reshaping the economic narrative, and we are making measurable progress in winning the war of ideas on economic policy. The fight to provide paid parental leave, for example, has made substantial strides—and is on the cusp of becoming federal law.

But our successes don’t come easily. We’re up against powerful corporate forces who want to maintain the status quo, putting corporate profits ahead of workers’ rights and wages.

Can you make a year-end donation to EPI today to keep fighting in 2020? ([link removed])

From paid family and medical leave, to overtime protections, to the importance of labor unions, to opposing the proliferation of forced arbitration agreements, EPI provides the data behind our movement for progressive economic change.

In recent years, we also led minimum wage campaigns at the federal, state and local levels, including 30 successful state and local campaigns and passing the Raise the Wage Act in the U.S. House.

EPI researchers have analyzed the statistics on racial and gender inequality, debunking myths and advocating for policies to close the racial and gender wage gaps and lift the wages of all working people.

Donate today! Make an end-of-year donation to EPI to support our movement for progressive economic change. ([link removed])

With your help, we’ve submitted tens of thousands of public comments in opposition to rules and policies that hurt working families. And we’ve advanced legislation that raises the pay of millions of low- and middle-income people.

Thanks to you, our coalition is stronger than ever.

Will you make an end-of-year, tax-deductible donation to EPI before midnight tonight to grow our movement and create an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few? ([link removed])

Thank you for all that you do for millions of working people across the country.

In solidarity,

Thea Lee
President, EPI
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