Dear JOhn,

At the end of another eventful year, I wanted to say thank you for all that you do to ignite, facilitate and support the movement for equality for women and girls. Supporters like you help us win victories for women and girls every day that add up to significant global change.

With your help, just this year we:

1. Won a case against Sierra Leone on behalf of pregnant school girls (many of them victims of rape) who were banned from attending school;

2. Helped win an international case against Russia on behalf of two survivors of domestic violence who had no assistance from the government when the domestic violence law was gutted;  

3. Helped get child marriage declared unconstitutional in Tanzania; and 

4. Are working hard to ensure that Virginia is the 38th and final state needed to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution so that the US can join 77% of countries that provide for gender equality in their constitutions. 

Our common cause -- equality for women and girls -- is not only the right thing to do, it is also a solution to all the other issues we are currently grappling with: climate change, income inequality and conflict. A gender equal world is a safer, more peaceful and more prosperous world for all. You help make it happen!

I am truly grateful for your support and partnership. Thank you. 

With gratitude,

Yasmeen Hassan
Global Executive Director