
I wanted to reach out personally one last time and ask if you can make a contribution before my final end-of-month fundraising deadline tonight at midnight.

I’ve delivered for my district on funding for colleges and universities, infrastructure, healthcare, and rural broadband. I’ve worked to protect voting rights, fix supply chain issues, provide good paying jobs, and make our communities safer.

And I’m running for re-election because I know there’s a lot of work that still needs to be done. Our Democratic majority and the future of voting rights, choice, and our economy are on the line. But if I’m going to keep fighting for you, then I have to win re-election next Tuesday, and in order to meet voters where they are, I have to reach my final monthly fundraising goal.

So please, John, can you make a contribution of any amount to protect my seat so I can keep delivering for you?


Thank you,

Sanford Bishop

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Paid for by Sanford Bishop for Congress

Sanford Bishop for Congress
P.O. Box 909
Columbus, GA 31902
United States