Tina for Oregon

This is urgent, John,

The Bulletin reports that Tina’s conservative opponent Betsy Johnson is “in [the] governor’s race until it’s over.”

Polls show that Betsy doesn’t have a chance to win this race, and she is paving the way for MAGA Republican Drazan to win.

We need to let Oregonians know that a vote for Betsy is a vote for Drazan. Please, pitch in now to help us meet our end-of-month goal to ensure that we have the resources to connect with voters:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We are running out of time to reach Oregonians in every corner of the state to make sure they hear Tina’s message.

That’s why it’s critical that we hit our end-of-month goal. It’s going to take a lot of resources to connect with voters, and there is too much on the line to come up short.

If you’ve been waiting for the moment when your donation will have the greatest impact, this is it. We’d really appreciate anything you’re able to contribute.

— Team Tina