Be a Part of Missouri History

We’re about to file a historic report. I want you to be on it.

We can break the record for most donations to an Attorney General candidate in Missouri history in a quarter.

We need your help to get there.

Take a second, donate even $1, and you will help us make history and send a much-needed message: We demand a Missouri that works for us.


Every donation that comes in before midnight tonight counts for this quarter.

You already know this isn’t a typical campaign for Attorney General. We show up everywhere, we’re helping local candidates with their elections, we’re building community throughout Missouri.

And on top of the campaign, I’m suing our state government and powerful dark money operatives to uphold our right to transparency. I’ve been joined by the Missouri Press Association and civil rights organizations in fighting for our Sunshine Law and freedom of the press. And my investigations have exposed serious conflicts of interest involving our Attorney General and his big donors.

We need a fighter on our side.

We need an Attorney General who will be our lawyer.

We need a government that works for us.


That’s why we have the chance to make history. That’s why I want you on board. Our voice must be heard in Jefferson City again. We need to take back Missouri, and we can only do it together with a huge grassroots movement.

So please donate if you can before midnight. And if you can’t, please invite others to. Give the people in your life the chance to be a part of history. If we all do, I guarantee we’re going to get a Missouri that works for all of us.


Thank you so much. We’ve built something special together, and we’re about to show the world in 2020.

Happy New Year!

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Paid for by Elad Gross For Missouri
Alicia Smith, Treasurer

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