John – Story time.
Most of you know by now that I am a Type II Diabetic. I take one (very expensive) medication daily, and one injection weekly.
This morning, I could have sworn there was one dose left in my injector. But when I went to use it I found I had already used the last dose.
It was a short-term scare, because I’m lucky. For me, it is an inconvenience that can be solved by a trip to the pharmacy and another $100 plus copay. But for many in our country, it’s not that simple – and that is a problem.
In eight days Idaho has an important choice to make for our next senator.
It’s a choice between a career politician who has spent the last three decades in Washington D.C., takes countless sums of money from Big Pharma and repeatedly votes against lowering prescription drug prices – or a community organizer and a non-profit leader who has shared the struggles of ordinary Idahoans.
We have eight more days to reach the voters we need to flip this Senate seat, and we need to raise another $5,000 before midnight to fund our final week of GOTV. Can you pitch in $100, $50, or any amount now?