From Sheldon Whitehouse <[email protected]>
Subject Midterm Update: Coming down to the wire
Date October 31, 2022 7:06 PM
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The fight for Senate control is coming down to the wire, friend. In Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, Nevada and Arizona, strong Democratic candidates are running impressive campaigns fueled by a surge of grassroots energy and support – yet an avalanche of dark money threatens to sweep the GOP candidate into office in every one of these states. It’s a billion dollars now for Republican Senate candidates.

Dark money has changed the face of our elections and rigged the playing field to the advantage of big donors and special interests. It's especially influential in close races, where a secretly funded attack ad or disinformation campaign at the right moment can sway enough votes to determine the outcome.

And dark money's presence extends far beyond the airwaves and social media. Across the country, Republicans are choosing their voters through wildly gerrymandered districts. They launch attacks on voting rights and spread bogus conspiracies to drive down participation. And they've stacked the courts with judges who will rule in favor of protecting these schemes. 

Dark money is all over the 2022 midterms. It's not an exaggeration to say it could be the deciding factor. For years, I’ve been leading the fight to shine a light on dark money’s influence and expose the right-wing operation to capture Congress and our courts, but if Mitch McConnell regains the Senate majority, that work is going to get a lot more difficult.

With the midterms only days away, I'm reaching out to you personally today because I know you're with me in the fight against dark money. Democrats can't afford to lose a single seat: Will you make a donation of $5 or more to my campaign today to help me fight the special interests rigging our elections, capturing our courts and corroding our democracy?

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This campaign is powered entirely by people like you and does not take a nickel from corporate PACs. That's why your support means so much. Thank you.

Sheldon Whitehouse

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P.S. My new book, "The Scheme: How the Right Wing Used Dark Money to Capture the Supreme Court," shows how we ended up with Roe overturned and a flood of other Supreme Court rulings benefiting right-wing special interests. You can order a copy of the book here or look for it in a bookstore near you.

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