The Mueller investigation is only focused on whether the President or any of his associates committed violations of federal criminal law. But the impeachment process does not require a finding that the President has committed a federal criminal violation. It only requires a showing of abuse of power. We need a parallel impeachment investigation which focuses on whether the President has abused his power and the public trust.

“Mueller isn’t all-powerful...” Those who think his investigation will reveal everything “will be sorely disappointed...”
-- The Hill

That’s why we NEED an impeachment investigation, John!
Pitch in $5 to get one >>

John -- People sometimes ask us why Free Speech For People is pushing so hard for an impeachment investigation when we already have Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

Here's why: the Mueller investigation is only focused on whether the President or any of his associates committed violations of federal criminal law. But the impeachment process does not require a finding that the President has committed a federal criminal violation. It only requires a showing of abuse of power. We need a parallel impeachment investigation which focuses on whether the President has abused his power and the public trust.

And we need it now. We must not wait until the Mueller investigation is completed. Even in light of recent developments, this could take many more months, even years. If the President is abusing his power and the public trust, he must face impeachment proceedings immediately.

The bottom line is we can’t depend on Mueller. We need a comprehensive bipartisan impeachment investigation -- and we need your help to get one. John, will you pitch in to support Free Speech For People’s campaign for an impeachment investigation?

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Your grassroots support is essential to getting this done. Your generous contribution will help us:
  • Get the word out to build public support for an impeachment investigation
  • Mobilize grassroots activism to press Members of Congress to start an investigation (fifty-eight Members have already voted in favor!)
  • Lead cutting-edge legal advocacy campaigns which challenge this unprecedented corruption of the White House
John, the only way we’re going to get this done is if everyone comes together and demands it. Please chip in $5 to help us push for an impeachment investigation of Donald Trump.

-- John

John Bonifaz
President, Free Speech For People
Paid for and authorized by Free Speech For People
505 West 38th Street, Unit A4, Austin, TX 78705
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