Thursday, November 3, 2022
10:00 - 11:00 am EDT
3:00 - 4:oo pm CET Online
Significant action is needed this decade to keep the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C within reach, according to new findings from the State of Climate Action 2022 report. Published under Systems Change Lab, the new research
quantifies the global gap in climate action across the world’s highest-emitting sectors and highlights where—and by how much—progress must accelerate to avoid increasingly dangerous climate impacts.
Join us on November 3 for this high-level webinar as experts and leaders from Bezos Earth Fund, Climate Action Tracker (a consortium comprising Climate Analytics and NewClimate Institute), ClimateWorks Foundation, and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions discuss the transformations needed across sectors to fight the climate crisis.