Hello Friend,
The duopoly has gone full "mask-off" in their mission to stop our
message of Peace and Planet. Their dirty tricks targeting our state
parties and candidates this year have known no shame. From pretending
to be Green Party activists in an attempt to keep candidates off the
ballot in North Carolina, to tripling signature thresholds just to
maintain ballot access in New York, the parties of War and Wall Street
have been relentless.
But we aren't backing down and we will not be silent. Our message
and our candidates gain traction every day.
Just last Thursday, Green Party Senate Candidate in North Carolina
Matt Hoh sat down with rock 'n roll legend Roger Waters of Pink Floyd
for a fireside
chat that you simply cannot miss.
In this increasingly hostile climate, and with Election Day just
around the corner, it's more important than ever to #BeSeenBeingGreen in
our communities. So why not treat yourself this Halloween with some
fantastic Green Party clothing, buttons, and stickers including the
newly released Queer
Liberation T-Shirt from the Lavender Greens!
For the trick-or-treaters, we've also got two FREE
packs of coloring pages for kids of all ages. Grab the We
Are Green and Pillars
and Values coloring pages for FREE today!
financial support is vitally important in amplifying our message of
Peace and Planet and ensures we will be ready to run more fantastic
candidates in the future. Every little bit counts. Please contribute
any amount right now to build independent politics and Grassroots
The Green Party is possible only because of the commitment of
people like you who believe in real change.
Thank you, The Green Party of the United States http://www.gp.org/
a Monthly Sustainer is one of the easiest ways to support
the Green Party all year. Thank you, Monthly Sustainers for giving us
a foundation for this work!