Sign the petition today!

Dear Friend,


Last week, we released a report showing that only 11% of DC’s restaurants reported their tips to DC government as they are required.


Upon further investigation of the data, we discovered that only 13% of the members of the Restaurant Association Metropolitan Washington (RAMW) reported their tips in every quarter of the year. More than two-thirds never reported - even worse than the city-wide average. Rather than encourage their members to be good employers and participants in their responsibilities, RAMW evaded responsibility. They spent the week arguing against the government’s ability to ensure their workers are making the minimum wage.


RAMW must do better by DC’s restaurant workers. 


Rather than pointing fingers, they should solve the problem. RAMW should make regular reporting on tipped wages to DOES a requirement for membership. Restaurants should not be considered in good standing if they fail to demonstrate they are complying with all DC wages and worker protections.  

Thank you for taking action to support restaurant workers and end wage theft in Washington, DC. If you haven't read it yet, check out our report.


In solidarity,


Nadia Salazar Sandi

Organizing Director
