We. Are. So.
We're only $18,422 away from hitting our fundraising goal for
the year — it’s very possible that your gift could be the one that
gets us over the hump. Help us be ready for whatever comes in
📍 From D.C., to Pittsburgh, to Los
Angeles. 📣 At detention centers, legislative offices, and in the
streets. 🕯️ In mourning, in outrage, and in celebration. ❤️
Our community showed up with courage and resilience this year. ✊
And we’re committed to showing up in solidarity in 2020.

This is your last chance to give in 2019 and answer the
call of 2020. We’re showing up to build a new America next year, and
we know you are too. Make
a last-minute donation now to make it possible.
See you in 2020,
The Bend the Arc Team