Nrdc Supporter, 2020 won't be easy. The Trump administration is already escalating its attacks on critical safeguards for our climate, endangered wildlife, clean air and water, and public lands.
NRDC is at the forefront, fighting tirelessly to defend our planet. But we need you with us — now — while there's still time to make a gift that will quadruple in impact for the environment.
Your tax-deductible donation will be matched x4, up to $500,000, until midnight tonight. Help us start 2020 off right — donate to NRDC today.

We are already suffering from the effects of climate change: Uncontrollable wildfires like those that raged in California and the Amazon rainforest this year ... unhealthy air quality in communities across the country ... debilitating drought throughout the southern U.S. ... and historic flooding in the Midwest.
Yet rather than fighting the climate crisis, the Trump administration seems determined to push us over the cliff into irreversible climate disaster. They're weakening critical environmental protections, opening our public lands and waters to destruction, and allowing polluters to poison our drinking water and the air we breathe.
But here's the thing Trump and his polluter allies still don't realize: when we fight back, we win. We've taken the Trump administration to court 100 times since Inauguration Day and we've won 92% of the cases that have been resolved so far.
NRDC and our tireless community of environmental champions have refused to step aside or get discouraged. We NEVER give up. When faced with the most anti-environment administration in U.S. history, we have risen to the challenge. It's made us stronger than ever ...
... and it's only possible because of supporters like you.
Join us before midnight tonight: Your gift will do 4x as much to help us fight every day of 2020 for a safe, clean, healthy planet our children can enjoy.
We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC Activists. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address.
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Natural Resources Defense Council | 40 West 20th Street | New York, NY 10011