
Our values have been stripped away from us with the failed policy decisions of Ilhan Omar!

Our goals, our beliefs, and our dreams are the same as one another as we fight for a Minnesota better than what Omar has left us with.

Ilhan Omar and others in Congress have DIFFERENT plans for our state than what we need!

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at The Great All Candidate GOP Rally. I was ecstatic to be able to share how we will give Minnesota a fresh start this November!

Our passions for families and our futures are equal!

We can make history with your support!

Our state should be a safe haven to raise families, enjoy economic stability, and find job opportunities.

Empty promises have fallen short of serving our district or our state!

We deserve representatives in Congress who will reach out to ALL people of our district!

As I support you, working as a voice of truth for you in Congress, can I count on your support so we can unify and heal our district?

There will be action! There will be change!

We are on the cusp of change! Are you willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with me as we bring a new wave of light and hope to our state?

If you care about keeping our district a beautiful place to live and grow, then please, VOTE on November 8th!

This day could be historic if we get enough passionate community members to the polls to get Ilhan Omar out of Congress!

Vote for Cicely Davis for House Congressional District 5 on November 8th! Ilhan Omar does not deserve to return to Congress. You deserve a representative who will FINALLY fight with you for your real life needs!

Best regards, 

- Cicely Davis


Request a yard sign and volunteer with Cicely

Send an email with your address to [email protected] to reserve your yard sign. If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected] to learn about current volunteer opportunities. 


Let's Dissolve the Divide!

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