John, Tell me if you've heard this one before: This upcoming election is the most important one we've had in years. It's true that every election is important. But it's also true that the election taking place in less than 8 days could reverberate for decades. I believe in our democracy, but some of the Republicans running for office this year don't seem to. They've shown that they're willing to do just about anything to get elected and hang onto power – even if it means ignoring the will of the people. If Republicans succeed this time, they could do irrevocable damage to a system of government that, while imperfect, has served our country for almost 250 years. That's why I support the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, which is working to protect our voting rights and help elect candidates who will uphold and strengthen our democracy. Will you join me today and make a donation to the NDRC?
Over the past five years, I've been proud to support the NDRC and my friend Eric Holder as they've developed and executed a comprehensive plan to put a stop to Republican gerrymandering. With your help, they've made remarkable progress – but the threats to American democracy are different now than they were back in 2017. These days, it's easy to get numb to the constant threats to our democracy, or tune out the latest outrage. But ignoring what's happening won't solve anything. Instead, we have to confront our challenges head-on, and put everything we have into strengthening our democracy at the polls, in the courts, and everywhere else. That’s exactly what the NDRC is doing. But their fight will become a lot harder – or a lot easier – based on the result of these elections. So I'm asking if you can make a donation to support the NDRC at this pivotal moment. If our democracy is going to thrive, it will take all of us. I hope I can count on you. Thank you,
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