December 31, 2019
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President Trump: Year 3
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December 29, 2019
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 29, 2019
REV. MARK H. CREECH ? "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men" (Luke 2:13,14). Some people may be taking down their Christmas decorations, but most people will still be celebrating the holiday season through New Year's Day. In the statement made by the angel to the shepherds and accented by an angelic chorus, the real purpose for the celebration of this holy time is to glorify God.... (more)

December 28, 2019
Some Trump officials push Obama policy of promoting global homosexual movement
CLIFF KINCAID ? It's one thing to defend President Trump against false witness by the magazine Christianity Today. It's another matter to rationalize or excuse how certain Trump officials are using the United Nations and the State Department to attack Christian nations.... (more)

December 28, 2019
DESERET NEWS ? Sen. Mike Lee is playing a critical role behind the scenes to get President Donald Trump acquitted in his upcoming impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate. In a story this week, Politico described the Utah Republican as a quiet force and one of the de facto leaders of the case to clear the president. Lee has been coordinating with Trump and his legal team for weeks and told the publication that he started thinking about how to handle an impeachment trial as soon as Democrats won the House majority.... (more)

December 28, 2019
NEWSMAX ? Former Vice President Joe Biden reiterated Friday that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify in the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump if one is issued. Biden, the national frontrunner in the Democratic primary races to challenge Trump in November, has not been subpoenaed, but Trump and his allies have discussed calling him to testify. Biden, his son Hunter and their business dealings in Ukraine were the focus of an investigation request Trump made to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy that triggered that impeachment inquiry against him and led to two articles of impeachment.... (more)

December 28, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Why is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still keeping secret literally hours of testimony before the intel committee, whose chief, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., carried much of the load for Pelosi in her impeach-the-president campaign? That's the question raised anew on Friday by Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Texas.... (more)

December 28, 2019
McCain: ?Anyone who doesn?t like it can go to hell?
BREITBART ? Late Senator John McCain provided disgraced former FBI chief James Comey with five separate reports from Christopher Steele that the FBI didn't previously possess related to unsubstantiated allegations of collusion between Russia and President Trump's 2016 campaign, the Justice Department's recent Inspector General report revealed.... (more)

December 28, 2019
'Speaker knows impeachment is DOA in the Senate'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Few observers realistically believe that President Trump would be convicted in a Senate trial on the Democrats' claims of obstruction and abuse of power simply because of the numbers. After all, nearly 20 GOP senators would have to turn their backs on their own party's president to reach the 67-vote threshold for conviction and removal.... (more)

December 28, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY ? Kanye West and his Sunday Service Choir released their new album "Jesus Is Born" on Christmas. West had told DJ Zane Lowe that "Jesus Is Born" was going to be released on Christmas Day during his Beats 1 interview back in October. Critics doubted that West would have the album out on time in light of the multiple delays that moved back the release date of his previous gospel album "Jesus Is King."... (more)

December 28, 2019
Extremist warns: 'This is a message to Christians all over the world'
WORLDNETDAILY ? Violent Muslims in Africa killed 11 Christians in retaliation for the suicide death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during a U.S. raid in Syria in October, according to a video that analysts confirm was made and released to coincide with Christmas. A BBC report said the video claims to show the deaths – one by shooting and 10 by beheading – of 11 Christians in Nigeria.... (more)

December 27, 2019
DAILY CALLER ? In a shocking development in the hunt to locate those responsible for the massacre of nine U.S. citizens at the hands of suspected cartel gunmen, authorities arrested a Mexican police chief.... (more)

December 26, 2019
Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm talks with Cruz
YOUTUBE ? Sen. Ted Cruz joins Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm for a timely conversation about how the impeachment process has been weaponized against President Trump. What do Americans need to know? How will the Senate trial unfold? Watch the discussion. America's Founders did not intend impeachment to be a partisan political weapon, or a response by Congress to a president's policies with which they disagree. Impeachment is a remedy for serious misconduct by a president or other federal officials that renders them unfit for office. It is paramount that a presidential impeachment be fair, legitimate, and only minimally partisan. On the basis of these and other important facts, Sen Cruz makes the case for the president's acquittal.... (more)

December 26, 2019
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Twenty-five years ago, D. James Kennedy and I came out with a book called What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? It ended up becoming a best seller. The message is very simple: Because Jesus was born, look at all these incredible blessings we have throughout the world.... (more)

December 26, 2019

December 26, 2019
'Sorry, but the Constitution does not permit that partisan, result-oriented ploy'
WORLDNETDAILY ? One of the most respected legal minds in America who voted for Hillary Clinton says the U.S. Senate doesn't have to wait for the House to deliver its articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump to hold its trial and resolve the matter once and for all.... (more)

December 26, 2019
Threat comes as Nancy tries to control Trump impeachment trial
WORLDNETDAILY ? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, having adopted articles of impeachment, now wants to control the trial in the Senate, even though the Constitution gives her no authority other than to submit the House's allegations. She's put the impeachment articles, claiming abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, in her pocket until she gets her way.... (more)

December 26, 2019
BYRON YORK ? Timothy Snyder is a historian at Yale University. He has written books of varying critical reception on Russia and Eastern Europe. Lately, he has taken to warning Americans of what he sees as the danger the United States will fall into totalitarianism under President Trump. In the past few days, Snyder has turned his attention , not in a scholarly work but in a series of tweets, to a Trump impeachment trial in the Senate. His tweets were notable mostly because Snyder managed to pack a large number of misconceptions about impeachment into a very small space.... (more)

December 26, 2019
CIA's Ciaramella thought to be man whose hearsay triggered Dems' agenda
WORLDNETDAILY ? The American people soon may be able to learn a lot more about the whistleblower whose hearsay information launched the Democrats' impeach-the-president agenda in Congress. Government watchdog Judicial Watch on Thursday confirmed it has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice and the CIA for communications to and from Ciaramella.... (more)

December 26, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? President Trump struck a blow against his predecessor's healthcare law by signing government funding legislation Friday that repealed major Obamacare taxes. Trump signed the bill only two days after a major court decision on Obamacare that left the law in limbo until after the 2020 election. Democrats voted overwhelmingly in favor of the spending deal despite the fact that it repealed $373 billion in taxes meant to pay for Obamacare, a law they have defended the last three years in Congress and on the campaign trail.... (more)

December 26, 2019
Stunned woman: 'I would relate that to murder'
WORLDNETDAILY ? The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform in the United Kingdom wondered what people who support abortion would think if they saw the deadly procedure take place. The organization asked people on the street who affirmed abortion rights if they would be willing to see a graphic, one-minute video.... (more)

December 24, 2019
NATIONAL REVIEW ? In recent months, California recorded its lowest level of population growth in over a century, according to data from the state's Department of Finance. The data showed a 0.35% growth rate in the state's population from July 1, 2018 through July 1, 2019. That rate is even lower than the 0.57% growth rate recorded for the same period from 2017 to 2018, the two lowest growth rates in the state since 1900. Moreover, while growth from birth rates and legal immigration continue to swell the population, citizens are leaving the state in large numbers for other parts of the U.S.... (more)

December 24, 2019
Luke 2:1-33 (KJV)
KING JAMES VERSION ? 1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) 3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. 4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) 5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. 6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. 7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.... (more)

December 23, 2019
PETER LEMISKA ? It is, as another seasonal song tells us, a most wonderful time of the year. It's a time when most people seem a little more charitable, more giving and forgiving. It's a season that brings, for most, a measure of comfort, hope, and joy. But many today are feeling a different kind of joy, and it has nothing to do with the season.... (more)

December 23, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID ? The large number of Democratic Party presidential candidates has become a running joke. But the unexpected strength of 37-year-old South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a Harvard graduate who calls himself a "gay dude in Mike Pence's Indiana," is a significant achievement, even for a political party that depends on identity politics. More importantly, Buttigieg claims to be a gay Christian, despite the Biblical scriptures that condemn same-sex conduct. He was "married" to another man in an Episcopal Church.... (more)

December 23, 2019
BYRON YORK ? The House of Representatives impeached President Bill Clinton on Dec. 19, 1998. It was a Saturday. The votes, in which two articles of impeachment passed, were held around midday. By 3 p.m., the House had passed a resolution naming its impeachment managers, and those managers had physically delivered the articles to the Senate for trial.... (more)

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