John – I know it’s early, but this couldn’t wait.
With our *final* major fundraising deadline of the 2022 midterm election cycle coming up tonight, I needed to get a jump on the day, and give our team as much time as possible to close a growing budget hole.
Because, John, our fundraising isn’t where we need it to be.
I know giving $3 is probably not how you thought you’d start your day, but I hope I can count on you, John.
With barely over a week left before Election Day, there’s never been a more critical time to make sure we are reaching every single undecided voter and pushing back on each attack my radical, right-wing opponent hurls at us.
To do that, we’ll need an immediate influx of resources. So please, can you rush just $3?
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Thanks for taking action this morning, before our final major deadline.
With every good wish,
Maggie Hassan
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PO Box 298
Concord, NH 03302
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