Dear John,
Every year, over one million women actively seek an abortion. The abortion industry aggressively targets them, seeking to take advantage of their vulnerability and fears.
As you know, many of these women feel alone, scared, and anxious. So when Planned Parenthood steps in to tell them that abortion is an “easy” solution to their unexpected pregnancy, approximately 3,000 women a day will make the decision to end the life of their preborn child.
I know this firsthand because when I became pregnant my senior year in high school, my community pressured me to abort.
I grew up in a single-parent, working-class family that barely had the resources to send me to college. Paying for college and helping me raise a child seemed out of the question. Feeling that being a parent would make a mess of my future, I scheduled an abortion.
I asked a close friend to drive me to the appointment. This woman had been in the same situation just months before and, without much contemplation, aborted her child. Weeping, she explained how she was depressed and had considered suicide. She begged me to cancel the appointment, and I did.
I moved to a maternity home, took parenting classes, and got tutoring to complete high school. I graduated with my class three weeks after my son was born, and I began taking courses at a community college. When my sister, who was caring for my son, moved out of state, I left school to work full-time. I eventually worked my way up the ladder at an investment firm, got married, and had two more children. While my time as a single parent was not easy, we got by, and today my life is nothing like the one predicted by that chorus of pessimism years ago.
While unexpected pregnancy presents challenges, the answer should never be to take the life of an innocent and vulnerable child. Instead, the fundamental injustices driving women to abortion clinics must be addressed. When they are, these once abortion-seeking women will begin to feel hopeful, cared for, and ultimately choose life.
Through Human Coalition’s Continuum of Care program, women are supported with help and encouragement through the pregnancy for as long as they need. They are given resources and support to find jobs, housing, and benefits, preparing them to parent.
In order to eradicate abortion, the National Rescue System, which you helped create with your support, must continue to race into abortion-devastated communities across the country. Together, we must continue to reach women and families who are being viciously and relentlessly targeted and deceived by the abortion industry.
But this is an audacious task that requires focus, energy, strategy, and support.
With your donation today, you can help continue to build and grow the National Rescue System to remove Planned Parenthood’s deadly grip on our society.
Would you give the gift of life to even more preborn children today?
The goal is to raise $200,000 by TONIGHT to rescue even more children.
A generous donor has agreed to provide a $50,000 Challenge Grant to keep the life-saving momentum going. That means that every dollar donated, up to a total amount of $50,000, will effectively be DOUBLED.
A $50 gift, when paired with the Challenge Grant, DOUBLES to have $100 of impact.
Will you give before tonight's midnight deadline?

Your help is needed, John, to reach even more women and rescue as many children as possible from the devastation of abortion.
Thank you for your devotion to life, and God bless you.
For Life,
Lori Szala,
National Director of Client Services