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Dear John,

You have only until midnight to have your donation matched to save the lives of the working animals of Fez, Morocco.

Dozens of donkeys, mules, and horses are in our care right now at the American Fondouk, hundreds more will come to us this winter — and thousands will be treated here in 2020. But only with your support!

Today — and today only — your gift goes twice as far, thanks to this $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge.

The economic health of the entire Fez community rides, quite literally, on the backs of its working animals, and often on the Fondouk’s programs. And these faithful, hard-working animals don’t deserve to live their lives in pain!

Don’t forget about them. Give them the care and healing they deserve. Donate now and have your gift matched.

With my deepest thanks,


Dr. Gigi Kay


American Fondouk

P.S. I want to be able to help every single donkey, mule, or horse brought to us, but we can only do that with your donation. Please have your gift matched now!

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