Friend —
Yesterday, I campaigned with President Obama at a rally in Milwaukee. This event was personal to me.
Let me tell you why.
Back in 2004, President Obama gave a speech at the Democratic National Convention. That speech is one of the reasons I got into public service. It made me believe I could run for office and make real change.
I can’t express how honored and humbled I am to now be fighting alongside him in this race.
I ran for state representative when I was 25 years old. After that, I ran for lieutenant governor and helped beat Scott Walker in 2018 with Wisconsin's highest midterm turnout on record.
Now I am running for U.S. Senate in Wisconsin, in a race that will decide whether Democrats defend and expand their Senate majority. The outcome of this race will determine whether or not we codify Roe, protect voting rights, rebuild the middle class, and so much more.
The ONLY way we are going to flip this Senate seat is by building the largest grassroots movement that Wisconsin has ever seen. I simply cannot do this without you, which is why I need to ask:
Can you please make a split a $10 contribution between my campaign and Blue Senate Candidate Fund today? Our final end-of-month fundraising deadline is tomorrow and I am really counting on your support to reach our goals.
The outcome of this race will ultimately be determined by people like you who decided to be a part of this campaign. Thank you for chipping in today, if you can afford it.
All my best,
